The issue of replacing imported goods with their domestic counterparts is particularly acute for Russia today: the large-scale sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation recently have gone “live”. At the same time, there are enterprises in the Urals that have been working for a long time under the import substitution program and, perhaps, have prepared better than others for the events that have come: about one of these productions — in the “Federalpress” material.
The ban on the import of medicines and raw materials for their production into Russia by foreign companies is becoming an incentive for the rapid development of domestic pharmaceuticals. The pharmaceutical company Medsintez is a leading plant in the Urals for the production of medicines. Its representatives declare: “It is a high-tech production which is able to provide the Russian market with almost any import-substituting drugs, which is facilitated by a strong scientifi c base of the enterprise and its powerful equipment.” Indeed, the quality of the company’s products has been marked with the highest awards, and the production itself is a guarantor of drug safety in Russia. We learned about the history of the Medsintez innovative plant, its capabilities, its own development of raw materials, expansion of the product line, international cooperation, as well as the development and import substitution in the field of pharmaceuticals at the enterprise.
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